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“Informatics and Applications” scientific journal

“Systems and Means of Informatics” scientific journal

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Manuscript Submission



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“Systems and Means of Informatics” scientific journal

Requirements for manuscripts submitted to Journal “Systems and Means of Informatics”

1. The Journal publishes original articles which have not been published before and are not intended for publication in other editions. An article submitted to the Journal must not violate the Copyright law. Sending the manuscript to the Editorial Board, the authors retain all rights of the owners of the manuscript and transfer the nonexclusive rights to publish the article in Russian (or the language of the article, if not Russian) and its distribution in Russia and abroad to the Founders and the Editorial Board.
Authors should submit a letter to the Editorial Board in the following form:

Agreement on the transfer of rights to publish:

“We the undersigned authors of the manuscript “. . . ”, pass to the Founder and the Editorial Board of the Journal “Systems and Means of Informatics” the nonexclusive right to publish the manuscript of the article in Russian (or in English) in both print and electronic versions of the Journal. We affirm that this publication does not violate the Copyright of other persons or organizations.
Author(s) signature(s): (name(s), address(es), date).

This agreement should be submitted in paper form or in the form of a scanned copy (signed by the authors).
The Editorial Board has the right to request from the authors an official expert conclusion that the submitted article has no secret data prohibited for publication.
2. A submitted article should be attached with the data on the author(s) (see item 8). If there are several authors, the contact person should be indicated who is responsible for correspondence with the Editorial Board and other authors about revisions and final approval of the proofs.
3. The Editorial Board of the Journal examines the article according to the established reviewing procedure. If authors receive their article for correction after reviewing it does not mean that the article is approved to be published. The corrected article should be sent to the Editorial Board for the subsequent review and approval.
4. The decision on the article publication or its rejection is communicated to the authors. The Editorial Board may also send the reviews on the submitted articles to the authors. Any discussion upon the rejected articles is not possible.
5. The edited articles will be sent to the authors for proofread. The comments of the authors to the edited text of the article should be sent to the Editorial Board as soon as possible.
6. The manuscript of the article should be presented electronically in theMSWORD(.doc or .docx) or LATEX (.tex) formats, and additionally in the .pdf format. All documents may be sent by e-mail or provided on a CD or diskette. A hard copy submission is not necessary.

The recommended typesetting instructions for manuscript.

Pages parameters: format A4, portrait orientation, document margins (cm): left|2.5, right | 1.5, above| 2.0, below |2.0, footer 1.3.
Text: font |Times New Roman, font size | 14, paragraph indent | 0.5, line spacing | 1.5, justified alignment.
The recommended manuscript size: not more than 20 pages of the specified format.

Use only standard abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.
All pages of the manuscript should be numbered.

The templates for the manuscript typesetting are presented on site: http://www.ipiran.ru/journal/collected/template.doc
8. Articles should enclose data both in
  • title;
  • author's name and surname;
  • affiliation | organization, its address with ZIP code, city, country, and official e-mail address;
  • data on authors according to the format: (see site)
    http://www.ipiran.ru/journal/collected/2012_22_02_rus/authors.asp and
  • abstract (not less than 100 words) both in Russian and in English. Abstract is a short summary of the article that can be published separately. The abstract is the main source of information on the article and it could be included in leading information systems and data bases. The abstract in English has to be an original text and should not be an exact translation of the Russian one. Good English is required. In abstracts, avoid references and formulae.
  • Indexing is performed on the basis of keywords. The use of keywords from the internaionally accepted thematic Thesauri is recommended.

    Important! Keywords must not be sentences.


Russian references have to be presented both in English translation and Latin transliteration.
Please take into account the following examples of Russian references appearence:
  • Article in journal:

    Zagurenko, A. G., V. A. Korotovskikh, A. A. Kolesnikov, A. V. Timonov, and D. V. Kardymon. 2008. Tehniko-jekonomicheskaya optimizaciya dizajna gidrorazryva plasta [Technical and economic optimization of the design of hydraulic fracturing].   Neftyanoe hozyajstvo [Oil Industry] 11:54-57.

  • Journal article in electronic format:

    Swaminathan, V., E. Lepkoswka-White, and B. P. Rao. 1999. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. J. Computer-Mediated Comm.  5(2). Available at: http://www. ascusc.org/jcmc/vol5/issue2/ (accessed April 28, 2011).

  • Article with DOI:

    Zhang, Z., and D. Zhu. 2008. Experimental research on the localized electrochemical micromachining. Russ. J. Electrochem.  44(8):926-30.   doi:10.1134/S1023193508080077

  • Article from the continuing publication (collection of works, proceedings):

    Astakhov, M. V., and T. V. Tagantsev . 2006. Jeksperimental'noe issledovanie prochnosti soedinenij "stal'-kompozit" [Experimental study of the strength of joints "steel-composite"]. Trudy MGTU "Matematicheskoe modelirovanie slozhnyh tehnicheskih sistem" [Bauman MSTU "Mathematical Modeling of Complex Technical Systems" Proceedings].  593:125-30.

  • Conference proceedings:

    Usmanov, T. S., A. A. Gusmanov, I. Z. Mullagalin, R. Ju. Muhametshina, A. N. Chervyakova, and A. V. Sveshnikov. 2007. Osobennosti proektirovaniya razrabotki mestorozhdenij s primeneniem gidrorazryva plasta [Features of the design of field development with the use of hydraulic fracturing]. Trudy 6-go Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma "Novye resursosberegayushhie tehnologii nedropol'zovaniya i povysheniya neftegazootdachi" [6th Symposium (International) "New Energy Saving Subsoil Technologies and the Increasing of the Oil and Gas Impact" Proceedings].   Moscow. 267-72.
    Sen'kin, A. V. 1997. Voprosy vibrodiagnostiki uprugogo kosmicheskogo apparata [Issues of vibration diagnostics of elastic spacecraft]. Problemy teorii i praktiki v inzhenernyh issledovaniyah. Trudy 33-j nauch. konf. RUDN [33rd Scientific Conference "Problems of Theory and Practice of Engineering Research" Proceedings].   M.: Russ. Univ. People's Friendship. 223-25.

  • Books and other monographs:

    Nenashev, M. F. 1993. Poslednee pravitel'stvo SSSR [Last government of the USSR]. M.:Krom Publ. 221 p.
    Lindorf, L. S., and L. G. Mamikoniants, eds. Jekspluataciya turbogeneratorov s neposredstvennym ohlazhdeniem [Operation of turbine generators with direct cooling].   M.: Energy Publs. 352 p.
    Latyshev, V. N. 2009. Tribologiya rezaniya. Kn. 1: Frikcionnye processy pri rezanii metallov  [Tribology of cutting, Vol. 1: Frictional processes in metal cutting]. Ivanovo: Ivanovo State Univ. 108 p.

  • Translated book:

    Timoshenko, S. P., D. H. Young, and W. Weaver. 1974. Vibration problems in engineering.   4th ed. New York: Wiley. 521 p.

  • Unpublished material::

    Latypov, A. R., M. M. Khasanov, and V. A. Baikov. 2004. Geology and production (NGT GiD). Certificate on official registration of the computer program No. 2004611198, 2004. (In Russian, unpublished.)

  • Internet-source:

    APA Style. 2011. Available at: http://www.apastyle.org/apa-style-help.aspx (accessed February 5, 2011).
    Pravila citirovaniya istochnikov [Rules for the citing of sources]. 2011. Available at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/1034528/ (accessed February 7, 2011).

  • Dissertation and Thesis:

    Semenov, V. I. 2003. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie plazmy v sisteme kompaktnyj tor. [Mathematical modeling of plasma in the compact torus]. Diss. dokt. fiz.-mat. nauk [D.Sc. Diss.]. Moscow. 272 p.
    Kozhunova, O. S. 2009. Tehnologiya razrabotki semanticheskogo slovarya informacionnogomonitoringa [Technology of development of semantic dictionary of information monitoring system]. PhD Thesis. M.: IPI RAN. 23 p.

  • State standards:

    GOST 8.586.5-2005. 2007. Metodika vypolneniya izmerenij. Izmerenie rashoda i kolichestva zhidkostej i gazov s pomoshh'yu standartnyh suzhayushhih ustroistv [Method of measurement. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices].   M.: Standartinform Publs. 10 p.

  • Patent:

    Bolshakov, M. V., A. V. Kulakov, A. N. Lavrenov, and M. V. Palkin. 2006. Sposob orientirovaniya po krenu letatel'nogo apparata s opticheskoj golovkoj samonavedeniya [The way to orient on the roll of aircraft with optical homing head].  Patent RF No. 2280590.

References in Latin transcription are presented in the original language.
References in the text are numbered according to the order of their first appearance; the number is placed in square brackets. All items from the reference list should be cited.
10. Manuscripts and additional materials are not returned to Authors by the Editorial Board.
11. Submissions of files by e-mail must include:
  • the journal title and author's name in the “Subject” field;
  • an article and additional materials have to be attached using the "attach" function;
  • an electronic version of the article should contain the file with the text and a separate file with figures.
12. “System and Means of Informatics” journal is not a profit publication. There are no charges for the authors as well as there are no royalties.

Editorial Board address:

119333, IPIRAN, Vavilova St., 44, block 2, Moscow, Russia
Ph.: +7 (499)135 86 92, Fax: +7 (495)930 45 05
e-mail: rust@ipiran.ru   (to Prof. Rustem Seyfoul-Mulyukov)