Systems and Means of Informatics

2019, Volume 29, Issue 1, pp 194-205


  • I. M. Adamovich
  • O. I. Volkov


The article is devoted to the further development of the technology of concrete historical research support which was built on the basis of the system of automatic facts extraction from historical and biographical texts T-parser and designed for a broad range of users which are not professional historians and biographers. The development is carried out by the integration of the program complex ï-Factograph oriented towards the research process support into technology. The article describes the capabilities of the program complex and justifies its inclusion into the technology. The problem of integration is solved by using analysis of the data models on which the T-parser system and ï-Factograph complex are based. The concepts of the biographical fact and fact-like statement are described, the evidence of their likeness is provided. Based on the results of the analysis, a unified data model which allows the joint use of elements of the unified technology was built and described in detail. In conclusion, the need for the unified technology of concrete historical research support in connection with increase of public interest in family history is substantiated.

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